4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting
4 Lb. Rich Gold Paydirt Concentrates Unsearched Pay Streak Prospecting

Gold Paydirt 4 Lb. Rich Concentrates Unsearched

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Amazing 4+ lb Bag Of Rich Gold Paydirt!

Item Description:

Offering our best material that ranks among the richest unsearched gold paydirts available anywhere with guarantee to find gold every time! Highly mineralized bedrock & pay streaks in our area produce gold that is high purity and absolutely beautiful. Pieces found range from Fines, Flakes, Pickers/Nuggets! You can expect to recover Placer GOLD first and foremost along with quartz, magnetite, hematite (black sands) and occasionally Ore's & GEMS e.g. Gold ore, Amethyst, Apache Tear, Garnets, Turquoise, and more! 

 Material origin & our processes to get it to you:                                                   

Our paydirt is mined in Arizona on proven gold claims in and around the Bradshaw Mountains. Also a few undisclosed locations (secret spots). We sell 100% Authentic Paydirt only! This material is the exact same unsearched gold bearing gravels we run to find our gold. No junk! No reruns, No backyard dirt, As the material is mined we classify it down to 1/2 inch minus to get rid of any large rock, but still gives the best chance to find larger nuggets. While classifying we also rinse the material to remove the majority of inert organics (like sticks, leaves, roots, bugs, and clumps of clay ect.) This extra step doesn't remove any of the gold, but what it does do is insures a clean concentrated paydirt for you that won't muck up your equipment. The paydirt is then dried, bagged, and securely wrapped to prevent any spills.


Excellent family fun:

This paydirt is great for everyone! Experienced miners will love it, as well as being a realistic challenge for a beginner. You'll have a good time with these concentrates and all while being in the comfort of your own homes. No hard labor, major expenses, time wasted, environmental hazards, and no getting skunked! What a fantastic way to get to be a miner! Also remember it makes a nice gift! ~Happy Panning Friends~


We ship fast and free using priority or first class mail with uploaded tracking information. Bags will come well packaged for a safe delivery. Multiple orders may be combined to save on the waist of packaging materials, unless specifically requested by the buyer at time of purchase to keep orders separate.

*We always recommend running the concentrates more than once to not miss any gold.  Free gifts, e.g. gold vile's, mini funnels, gems, silver shot, display jars, snuffer bottles, ect. may be given at random.

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Sean Duffy

Good gold!

Greg Manseau
4# bag

Got through a 4 # bag of paydirt and was pleasantly surprised that every pan had gold. First pan blue, last pan green

john kroll
Wonderful time

This paydirt felt wild and untouched. Like it came straight from the sluice box.


It came in the mail fast and was pretty clean to pan. found some nice gold!

Kevin L.

Great gold beautiful color just as described. Honest seller will buy from again